Clean Patio Windows – The Proper Way

Patio windows are great because they open up the world and bring great views and natural light to your kitchen or living room. Watch the kids from inside or view a sunrise or sunset through large patio windows. They are great until the glass gets smudged by messy fingers and pets. Thankfully there are great cleaning tips and tricks you can use to keep the glass looking nice and new.

Do you clean your windows with paper towels and glass cleaning solutions? If so, do they leave streaks and unwanted residue? It’s time to learn some new tricks to eliminate awful streaking and residue. Everything you need can be found in your pantry or around your house. Here’s what you need—a spray bottle, white vinegar, warm water, and newspaper or large coffee filters. Why use these materials? Well, white vinegar contains ingredients to eliminate dirt, grease and any other residue, while newspaper and coffee filters don’t leave behind lint like paper towels. Also, white vinegar does not contain ingredients that bother or inflame your skin.

Now that you have the proper materials assembled, go ahead and start cleaning those patio windows. As you clean the windows, start at the top and move toward the bottom. This will allow the cleaning solution to run and drip to the bottom as you clean in that direction. Use even strokes, which limits streaking and makes your windows look even better. Also, wait until the sun is shining so you can see debris and smudges better. This will help you to have a more exact clean and be pleased with your work.

As you clean your windows, look for damage of glass, framing, sealing and any other areas of the window. Inspection of your windows will help you catch damage early and eliminate larger problems from occurring in the future. If damage can be fixed easily, then go ahead and address the situation. If the damage is beyond your ability, then call a professional to examine your windows and fix any problems.

Maintaining your windows is more than cleaning them every now and then. Inspecting your windows for damage is important and will help you to have beautiful windows everyday. Keep white vinegar and newspaper or coffee filters handy for whenever you need to clean your patio windows. People will be surprised at how clean your windows are. Maybe you can pass the secret along.

5 Tips For Proper Window Maintenance

Windows enhance any room by bringing natural light and ventilation but they can be starting point for disaster. Don’t let your windows be neglected because they can allow pests, weather and other damaging elements to enter your home. To keep from disaster, develop a regular schedule of checking and performing maintenance on your windows. Maintenance is easy if you are consistent.

So, what type of maintenance should you focus on? There are several things you can do at a low price that will enhance your windows and prevent damage of the window and surrounding areas. Let’s take a look at 5 tips you can use to maintain your windows:

  1. Are your windows sealed from water damage? As weather continues to beat your house and windows, the seal becomes less and less effective. So, it’s important that you check the seal around your windows and maintain it. Use caulk to seal areas around the window frame, especially on the exterior. Even if a certain area doesn’t look bad, it doesn’t hurt to make sure and add some extra caulk to seal the area.
  2. Use weatherstripping around the movable parts of your window, if you haven’t already. Especially at the base where a window opens and closes. Make sure these areas have weatherstripping to prevent moisture, pests and outside air from entering your home. When you weatherstrip these areas, you will begin to see an increase in your power bill. It may not be large but you will save because outside air is being kept out. Weatherstripping doesn’t have to be replace often as long as you keep it in good condition.
  3. Check the framing of your windows. Are frames cracked? If so, it might be time to replace the entire frame or to get your tools and fix the frame. The frame of a window is an important component because it also keeps moisture, pests and outside air from entering your home. To maintain window frames, simply remove areas that are rotted, molded and cracked and fill the areas with a wood epoxy. You can also use bleach to cleanse the wood and remove areas of mold.
  4. Check for cracked glass and replace glass as needed. Glass is more difficult to fix, so it’s better to replace it completely.
  5. Do a quick paint of your window frames every year to keep frames intact, sealed and protected, and looking nice. This is a small way to keep your windows updated and protected.