To Clean Your Windows, Hire Someone from Window Cleaning Services

For many of us, no chore is enjoyable. Vacuuming the carpets, sweeping the floors, washing dishes, or cleaning the shower leaves little to be excited about. However, there are some chores that are despised. Washing windows seems to be among the highest of these dreaded chores. Continue reading

Tips for Washing Your Own Home Windows

Here are some great tips for washing your own home windows:

First of all, start by wiping really dirty windows down with a dampened cloth. If there is a great deal of dirt, do not just rub the window because it can cause scratches on the glass. Instead, use a vacuum cleaner attachment to get rid of any excess dirt. Use a clean cloth or sponge to get the window wet, but do not flood it with water. You can use cotton cloths like socks and even an old t-shirt. Micro-fiber cloths are great for washing windows. Simply read the instructions and avoid using fabric softener on micro-fiber towels or cloths because it can reduce their absorbency. Continue reading